Friday 30 January 2009

Breaking News - Fire in Wellington

I got home about 5 o'clock and soon there was a nasty smell of smoke drifting up the hill. At first I thought it was someone burning garden rubbish but, looking down towards Oriental Bay it was clear there a very nasty fire there, just alongside a very large apartment block about 1.5 kms from here. Can't see exactly whether it was a wooden house of something else burning. Huge deep red flames were jumping up alongside the apartment block, over 10 metres into the air. Very scary.
Well, now the sirens are still blaring out here along the coast road but obviously the fire is under control (at 5.20) as the smoke and flames have subsided. Must check the news to see what's happened there. A strange day of fire damage on my blog this Friday. It's not the 13th is it?

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