Wednesday 14 January 2009

Dylan Greetings from Finland

Had a nice iChat session today with Tarja and friends in Helsinki, their dinner party, my breakfast. It's funny one end of the chat is always in the dark, the other light. Well...OK usually it's dark at the Helsinki end whatever time of day ;-) After the chat I got sent this greeting generated from a Bob Dylan promo site. Really nice multimedia, especially for us whose friends elder brothers and sisters were hippies. My friends and I missed that happy age of love, peace and bells by about 8 years. 
Lovely morning here on the side of Mount Victoria and I've no motivation to go into the university to sit in a sweaty room without AC and fight with my new PC. So I'm heading off to do some art with the camera.
I registered for in hope of lowering the threshold and workload for posting to all the networks that I seem to be anti-socialising on. Noticed Jyri Engeström (of Jaiku fame) was using that, so it can't be bad I guess. So I expect that contributions here will be a bit more varied in future, more Twitterlike, Twitterific or just plain Twit! 
BTW the video should be mp4 and iPhone compatible. Let me know how/if it works.

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