Sunday 4 January 2009

2 Tigers in the terminal at Singapore!

2 cold Tiger beers did the trick! It brought back memories of very cold Tigers drunk in icy glasses in the sweltering evening heat of Singapore's street restaurants a few years ago. So beers and a quick walk around the stores used up my 45 minutes of freedom while our plane was cleaned and refuelled. Then back to the 100 metre check in queue with all the hand luggage to check in and be scanned...again. In the meantime I have discovered 5 other 'Finns' on the flight.

Didn't manage to get a connection in Singapore so this is being sent later. I did manage to apply the DevTeam's yellowsn0w 3G unlock to my iPhone before leaving Finland, thanks to someone who made a step by step tutorial. But is still seems a bit flaky, sometimes the phone fails to give the available network list but restarting a few times seems to work (as I'd read). Hopefully this will be more stable when I'm not changing country every 12 hours.

Flight to Sydney is aided by a tail wind and so I get more than 3 hours to stretch my legs and have a decent cup of coffee in Sydney before the final leg to Wellington. Bit confused as to whether it is good to sleep or not. The eleven hour difference in time zones is going to be a challenge!